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5 Opusmodus lessons (Level 3)

5 Opusmodus lessons (Level 3)
(3 Ratings)

5 Opusmodus lessons (Level 3)

About Course

This set of 5 Opusmodus lessons dive into some advanced possibilities of the Opusmodus Music Composition Environment, bringing an exploration of techniques such as Shapes driven tessiture, dynamics and orchestration control, Algorithmic dictum generation for counterpoint, Process driven composition, Spectral harmony exploration and exploration of different pitch distributions across instrumental parts.

Who this course is for

This course is for moderate to advanced users of Opusmodus. It is highly recommended to get all the basics of Opusmodus before to start this course.

What you’ll learn in this course:

Course 1: Algorithmic Dictum Generation for Counterpoint

What You Will Learn:
– Understand the structure and utility of counterpoint functions in Opusmodus.
– How to manually create simple dictums, a list of pattern numbers and optional parameters.
– Algorithmic methods for generating lists of pattern numbers and other parameters for Counterpoint function.
– Techniques to assemble the generated material into a usable and readable dictum.
– Apply your algorithmically generated dictum in creating a score section using algorithmically designed patterns.

Course 2: Pitch Distribution across several instrumental parts

What You Will Learn:
– How to manually distribute a pitch row and other pitch material across instrumental parts and understand the underlying logic.
– Techniques for algorithmic distribution from top to bottom and vice versa.
– Apply rhythm and pitch variations for richer musical output.
– Working with various pitch materials like tone rows, Slonimsky patterns, triadic materials, and noise-generated pitch material.

Course 3: Iterated Process Driven Composition

What You Will Learn:
– Introduction to Process-Driven Composition and how to achieve it in Opusmodus.
– Utility function definitions for adding rehearsal marks and other elements automatically to generated scores.
– Building a process iterations to generate several sections of a piece in one pass based on rules.
– How to define your algorithmic process and extract individual instrumental parts.
– Implement tempo changes and time signature adjustments.

Course 4: Shapes/Vector driven control of Tessiture, Dynamic, Pitch and Orchestration.

What You Will Learn:
– Techniques for generating pitch material based on smoothed white-noise.
– Algorithmic rhythm generation and control through provided density-length functions.
– Methods for dynamic markings and ornamentation of repeated notes.
– Assemble sections into a complete piece while applying orchestration techniques.

Course 5: Spectral Harmony Exploration

What You Will Learn:
– Techniques for spectral pitch remapping.
– Methods for vector generation and pitch contour shaping.
– How to import and manipulate spectral data for pitch mapping.
– Techniques for ambitus constraint, frames filtering and chord generation in spectral frames.
– Learn to apply dynamic markings, articulations, and the play-mute system to your composition.

By the end of this course series, you will have a strong understanding of advanced algorithmic composition techniques using Opusmodus. You’ll be equipped with the skills to generate sophisticated compositions using an algorithmic approach, taking advantage of Opusmodus’s rich set of functions and utilities.

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    What Will You Learn?

    • Algorithmic counterpoint dictum generation
    • Using vector for driving musical parameters
    • Ambitus control and changes via vectors
    • Spectral composition techniques
    • Deriving dynamics from musical density
    • By the end of this course series, you will have a strong understanding of advanced algorithmic composition techniques using Opusmodus. You'll be equipped with the skills to generate sophisticated compositions using an algorithmic approach, taking advantage of Opusmodus's rich set of functions and utilities.


    • Open Mind to Learn
    • You should be able to use Opusmodus at intermediate level


    • Composers
    • Media composers
    • Students in music composition

    Course Content

    Algorithmic dictum generation for counterpoint
    Counterpoint in Opusmodus is a fantastic function, here, you will learn how to generate algorithmically the parameters for this function.

    • Short counterpoint function presentation
    • What we will generate
    • Generation of list of numbers
    • Span values and methods generation
    • Assembling the material into a dictum
    • Using the dictum for a score section
    • Ressources

    Pitch distribution across instrumental parts
    You will learn how to distribute various pitch content across multiple instrumental parts in various configuration.

    Process driven composition
    A music composition can be viewed as a suite of process. In that lesson, you will learn how to construct that's process and how to chain them.

    Shapes driven ambitus control and orchestration
    In this video, you will learn how to control the tessiture and the orchestration using vector generated shapes.

    Spectral harmony exploration
    Spectral harmony is a very interesting way to generate diverse but coherent musical worlds. We will here explore some possible way to compose with this techniques.

    Student Ratings & Reviews

    Total 3 Ratings
    3 Ratings
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    1 year ago
    Takes learning OM techniques to the next level. Lots of ways to develop your own techniques using a modular approach to code. Assumes basic OM knowledge, but I would say a necessary next step once you have the basics. So much to reflect on and work with.
    1 year ago
    Very good course. The techniques are powerful.
    2 years ago
    Great course !
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